Tuesday, April 10, 2012

One Proud/Happy/Relieved/Sad Mama

Well, it happened.  I can now breathe a big sigh of relief.  One burden has been lifted.  (One more to go, but I'm not really at liberty to talk about the other thing just yet.)

Morgan just found out today that she received the Thomas S. Monson Presidential Scholarship to BYU, her first choice college.

I am so proud of her and all her hard work.  She really has earned it.  I have no doubt that she will do well in school because she has been taking college level and AP classes since she was a sophomore.  She has earned a 5 on every AP test so far and scored a 35 on the ACT.  (I'm bragging here, because it's not really the type of thing you can just trumpet all over facebook.  I'll assume anyone reading this here will be happy for us.)

I am happy because I know she is a good girl and will fit in really well at BYU.  To be honest, I don't know if I would have fit in there.  I'm not really known for my "sweet spirit", but she fits what I think of when I think of the type of girl who does well at BYU.  (And yes, she does read her scriptures regularly.  I would have failed on that count alone.)

I am definitely relieved because we have really been sweating, waiting to hear if she would get any sort of financial aid.  She got a full ride to USU, so it would have been hard to send her to BYU, paying for housing, food AND tuition.  Definitely a big weight off my shoulders.

And finally, I am sad.  I am so sad  that she will be leaving our home so soon.  She has been  fun to have around, but she has been so busy taking all those classes (4 AP classes this year alone) that I feel like I have been cheated out of her company for the last few years.  She has been so busy getting herself to this point that  I had really been looking forward to her living at home for college, coming home for lunch, or after some early classes to just hang out with ME.  Morgan is the most like me of anyone else in the family, so I will miss my little mini-me.  (Well, let me qualify, Morgan has more of my "good" qualities.  Ally, unfortunately, ended up with my, how do you say this politely?, "naughtier" qualities.  Ally likes to see how much she can get away with without actually breaking the rules.  Let's  just leave it at that, shall we?)

Anyway, this has been a day of very strong, mixed emotions.  I couldn't hide the tears as we read the scholarship e-mail.  Happy tears.  Sad tears.  Tears of relief.

Where did my little girl go?  (Sniff, sniff.)


  1. Wow! What a nice honor. Good luck to you both!

  2. It's your blog... brag it up! ;) Congratulations to Morgan! That is a huge, and well deserved, honor and achievement. That is so exciting for her! (And I totally understand why it would be proud/happy/relieved/sad about it as her mother. You've raised some great kids! )

  3. So happy for Morgan and I understand the sadness on your part. It's crazy how fast the years pass. Congrats, congrats!
