Friday, April 27, 2012

A Fun Baby Shower Game......

I saw someone last week that I hadn't seen for many years.  It was Morgan's first piano teacher.

She reminded me that I threw a baby shower for her when her first daughter was born.  (The one and only baby shower I remember throwing.  I'm not a great party thrower, they stress me out.  I'm more of an informal "Hey, why don't we just head over to my house right now - and since I wasn't planning on it, I guess you won't mind if the house is messy." kind of girl.)

We did do one thing that was kind of funny.  I can't remember if we had any other formal games, but my sister-in-law Jayne had told me about something they had done at a shower over in Tremonton.  It sounded like a fun idea and we decided that probably nobody in our neighborhood had heard of doing this, so I talked my other sister-in-law, Monica, into showing up at the shower about a half hour late, frazzled and carrying a diaper bag.

When she got there, I pretended like I didn't know her.   She walked in, apologizing for being late.  I acted polite, but started asking people (discreetly) if they knew who she was.  Nobody did, so I pulled Jenny out and asked her if she was a relative of hers.  Jenny said she had no idea who she was.  It was funny watching people act polite to Monica and wondering who she was and why she was there.  Finally I came out and said, "How do you know Jenny?" 

"Jenny?"  she said, "Who is Jenny?  I'm here for Natalie's shower?"  "Natalie who?"  I asked.  "Natalie Jenkins."  she said (or some other made up name, I can't remember what it was).

So then she started acting embarrassed, like she had suddenly realized that she was at the wrong house.  I asked the address of where she was supposed to be, so she said she had the invitation in her diaper bag.  She started rummaging frantically in the bag, eventually dumping it on the floor.  I then helped her pick things up and then we told people that it was a game and  handed out paper and pencils and had people write down anything they could remember that was in her diaper bag.  And that was the game.

It was funny to see peoples' reactions.  You can't get anything past Joyce Johnson.  She yelled out, "Is this a setup?" when Monica dumped the bag.  The girls (we had invited the Young Women too) were really confused.  It made me laugh.  I did like the comment someone else made.  They said, "I was so embarrassed for her when she dumped the bag that I tried on purpose not to look at what was in there."

Anyway, kind of a funny game, but you need to make sure and have someone do it that wouldn't be recognized by anyone else at the party.


  1. What a fun idea! Makes me want to throw a baby shower now, just to try and surprise people. :)

  2. Lacey - if you do, I could be the surprise stranger, because I bet none of your friends know me!
