Thursday, May 7, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter was emotionally exhausting for me this year, though it really was a pretty good day.

We started off the weekend by doing the usual things, coloring eggs, hiding them, (and then throwing them at things and smashing them when Easter was over), etc.

Here is Austin about 30 seconds after he dropped and smashed the rainbow egg I so lovingly made. (I think I make one of these every year. Maybe next year I'll get a little more creative.)

This is the best shot I was able to get of the kids before church. They weren't thrilled AT ALL to have a picture taken. Morgan's glasses have a worse glare in all the other ones. Ally is going through a "gray" phase. This is the most springy thing I could get her to wear. She is also going through another sort of phase. One that involves her calling me "homie" and saying "yo" a lot and calling us all her "peeps". I hope she moves on to another phase soon. One that doesn't involve saying "Peace out." every time she leaves a room. Enough said about that!

During Sacrament Meeting I was a mess.

It all started off when Nate Bringhurst blessed the Sacrament for the first time ever. Nate has Williams Disease and is quite an entertaining character. He has finally outgrown the phase where he would go up to bear his testimony and he would throw back his head and then laugh hysterically into the microphone. I kind of miss those days. Anyway, since he has turned 16 he has been asking to bless the Sacrament for a few months now. I actually didn't know that he could read. It took him a few tries and once he calmed down a bit he did fine. I don't think there was a dry eye in the place, except for my parents, who didn't know the situation because they were just visiting, so they just looked confused.

Morgan had to give a talk and she really did an impressive job. She quoted some really good Conference talks and threw in some of her own perspective on the Atonement. She even used terms like "woefully inadequate" in the process. She is very poised when she speaks, much unlike I am. She did such a good job that they commented on it in all the other classes I went to that day. Both teachers in Sunday School even commented on it. I was really proud of her. Unfortunately for me, I also cry when my kids do something that I'm proud of. It's embarrassing.

One of the other speakers told a story that I hate. I really despise it because it is so painful to listen to. It was a story about a man who controlled the switches at a railroad and (long story short) one night he had to make the quick decision of whether to save a whole passenger train full of people or his own son. It is then likened to the Atonement and how Heavenly Father must have felt sending Jesus down to die for all of us. One reason I really hate this story is because I have a little boy that died and I always think of him when I hear it. I sat there just crying, trying to control myself so I wouldn't break out sobbing. I sat and clutched Austin tightly the whole time.

I was quickly running out of clean Kleenex to dab at my eyes and nose. By the time the meeting was over, I was in dire need of cleaning out my nasal cavities, because they were so full of everything I had held back during the meeting. (Unfortunately, when my eyes run, my nose also runs.) I thought I'd be pretty safe putting the Kleenex up my nose during the prayer since nobody would be looking at me then.

Mark Leishman was saying the prayer and just at the second I had my fingers up both sides of my nose (covered with a Kleenex, of course), he said, "And thank you for Sister Fronk..."

What? What was he talking about?

I felt very conspicuous as if everyone had opened their eyes and was staring at me. Well, hopefully they weren't. I'll never know because I kept MY eyes tightly shut out of sheer mortification. It was one of those moments when you can literally hear the blood rushing past your ears.

I finally figured out that he meant Morgan (YOUNG Sister Fronk) for the talk that she had given. Whew.

I made it through Sunday School with only 1/2 a dry Kleenex left, which I promptly went through because I couldn't get that ($@#^) story out of my mind. I was finally down to only soggy Kleenex shreds and the last limp Kleenex that had someone's gum in it and I had probably already used another day, which I ended up having to use because I had nothing else left (I'm not proud).

I made it through about ten minutes of Relief Society, just long enough to hear them say nice things about Morgan's talk again and then I went home, blew my nose properly and pulled myself together somewhat. I then decided to play Easter Bunny, so the kids were pretty impressed to come home from church and see that he had already been there and hidden their baskets. I made it back to church in time to sing the last song and hear the closing prayer in Relief Society.

I'm mad because this is the first year I haven't gotten photos of the kids with their baskets. Last year I was smart and got a picture of the baskets BEFORE they found them, with everything still intact and looking cute. Oh well.

This year Grandpa and Grandma Hendricks came over for dinner and then we had another Easter egg hunt for Austin. We used my china for the first time in a long time. When I put it away, I made it more accessible so we can start using it again. There's no reason to have nice things if they are just packed away, right? I do need to get a better table cloth to use though. The only one I have that is off-white melted in the dryer the last time I used it and I haven't gotten a new one yet. Of course I only think about it when I need a table cloth and there is no time to get one. We have a pretty big table too, so it's hard to find one that is big enough and on sale.

What else? I can't think of anything else, but this is my favorite photo of me from Easter. I think I was fixing my shoe that was falling off and Ally took a picture of me.

I think it's my best side.

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